Just like we take care of our physical health, we need to encourage mental health treatment for those who need it. Join many other organizations and us in promoting actions that help others to experience hope and healing. Click below for some great resources to help.
Parents often ask themselves, “Is This a Phase, or Does My Child Need Help” We want to ensure you have the right resources to answer that question. Therefore, we have updated our website to include additional mental resources to support you in seeking personalized, private guidance on navigating behavioral and mental healthcare treatment. If you know someone is struggling with their mental health, we urge you to be the difference in getting them the help they need.
If you have any questions about suicide prevention or mental health awareness, please reach out to your Sage Oak Counselors or join us for Coffee with Counselors on Monday, September 27th at 1 pm. Here is that link. (Meeting ID: 989 0082 5121; Passcode: 083972)