Enroll Now for the 2021-22 School Year! Sage Oak is now accepting applications for new students for the 2021-22 school year. Please complete the application on our website to enroll incoming siblings, and feel free to pass the link on to friends and family interested in enrolling in Sage Oak.
At this time we plan to proceed with our traditional enrollment process, however, this could change if there is new legislation that caps our growth. Please remember that a completed application does not guarantee enrollment, and enrollment is not complete until a Master Agreement has been signed by the parent, student, and teacher/EA.
Read Across America Day – March 2nd “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”– Dr. Seuss
Tomorrow is National Read Across America Day! Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday with these recommended books, resources, and activities. Click the link below for reading resources to celebrate Read Across America Day:
Counseling Corner As we continue along ourSocial-Emotional Learning Roadmap, this month’s focus is on Helpful & Unhelpful Thoughts. While it’s normal to use self negative self-talk when we’re frustrated or upset, it isn’t very helpful. The good news is that we always have a choice about how we talk to ourselves.
This month’s lesson content focuses on positive self-talk and how we can use this powerful skill when we feel frustrated or upset and how it leads to more positive choices. To learn how about Helpful & Unhelpful Thoughts, please check out this month’s newsletter:
Math League Are you interested in having your middle school student participate in a national math competition?
Math Leagueis hosting a middle school math contest. To enter the Math League contest there is a fee of $15-$20 depending on when you register. Please note that the qualifying round isMarch 13th, 2021.Please explore the Math League website for more info about the event. This isnota Sage Oak-sponsored event, but if you have any questions, you can reach out to jtourse@sageoak.education.
If you are interested in registering, click the link below:
Quality Math Program This month we want to highlight another popularQMPrecommendation,Math in Focus. Join us as we take a closer look at the link below:
Newly Approved Providers We are excited to introduce to you the newest providers to join the Sage Oak family. Check outthis spreadsheetfor a list of our newest providers and see what they have to offer our students by clicking the link below:
LCAP Annual Update and Stakeholder Feedback Public Meeting We will be holding our public school site council meetings and English learner advisory council meeting in March to present the LCAP annual update and to seek feedback as we begin writing our LCAP for the next 3-year cycle.
These are public meetings, and subject to the Brown Act, which does require a specific method of public comment. The directions for public comment are included on the school site council (SSC) and English learning advisory council (ELAC) agendas, which are posted to our school website (SSC,ELAC) 72-hours before the scheduled meeting. If you wish to attend the meeting and give feedback on the LCAP, please follow the directions on the posted agenda.