8th Grade Math: Singapore Dimensions (Quarters 1-4)

Welcome to 8th Grade Math: Singapore Dimensions! This class will meet twice-a-week to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of advanced mathematical concepts and skills. Through a combination of critical thinking, problem-solving, and mathematical reasoning, students will deepen their mathematical knowledge and develop the tools necessary for success in higher-level math courses. Join us are we embark on this mathematical journey, nurturing mathematical skills and fostering a lifelong love for learning and problem-solving!

Please note this enrollment is for the full year (Quarters 1-4). Bonus: With a full year enrollment all of the curriculum is included at no extra cost of Instructional Funds! Non-consumable curriculum items are to be returned at the end of the school year. Also, please note that this class will meet 2 times per week.

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Course Information

  • Teacher: Mingo, Michelle
  • Cost: $300
  • Quarter: q1